Title : Method
Innovation of Undergraduate Ideological and Political
Education Based on Network Environment
Author :
Pan Yihui,
Tu Keqin, a*
University :
Science & Technology Normal University
Review :
In modern society, network
influenced deeply to the political
education in colleges and universities and has been the platform to transform
ideology and philosophy that impact undergraduate norm of conduct, value
orientation, mental development and other aspect. The ideological education and
political attitude needs new research on the fresh platform to get education
effect. Moreover, the ideological and political education should be
modernization, advance with the times with multiple views of elements.
Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen the undergraduate ideological and
political education based on network environment.
Keywords:network environment, ideological and political education, innovation;
The ideological and political
education of undergraduate should be searching the innovation through valued
fresh fields. During the ceaseless impression and development, research effective method of ideological and political
education is the most important subject for the attention of teachers in colleges and universities.
1. Value
reflection of method innovation about undergraduate ideological and political
education based on network environment
The teaching progress cannot satisfy
the practical requirement of student growth. The basic reason is lack of
effective method about ideological and political educa tion, because marxism is
not only has significant value but also the method value.
It is very important to know the
operation to improve undergraduate ideological and political education with
modern teaching technology and objective teaching method that based on network
2. Effective
method of undergraduate ideological and political education innovation based on
network environment
Comprehensive improve the theory
level and comprehensive quality of ideological, political education about
undergraduate, adopt the method with effectiveness and modernization are the
most important. The application expansion of network technology is the
effective approach to innovate ideological and political education of
undergraduate that expand the platform of ideological and political education
The present ideological and
political education need to combine with the network environment. Therefore,
the education needs to research the innovation. Undergraduate ideological and
political should pay attention to the student main part, interaction of teacher
and student, cubist teaching and teaching content full of investigative type.
3. Method
and principle to strengthen undergraduate ideological and political
The modernized teaching method,
ceaseless approach innovation is the probable way to reach the effectiveness of
education improvement. The economic sector diversification of present social,
culture constitution variety, values multiformity go with the various thinking of undergraduates.
However, the variation places unity. Therefore,
strengthen pertinency and timeliness of ideological and political
education about undergraduates needs to follow the following principles:
subjectivity, scene generation and interaction.
Subjectivity principle include two
part implication. First, during the process of ideological and political
education, student is the main part that cannot ignore their thinking and need
fully consideration about the unity of education and practical requirement with
combination of teaching content and practical courses. And then In the second,
establish equal and friendly relation between teacher and students.
The next is the scene generation
principle. Ideological and political education based on real world living.
Philosophy cannot break away from the real world. Therefore, ideological and
political theory education is stem from real world.
The third part is the principle of
interaction blend. The core content of ideological and political is the
interaction process between teacher and
student. It is the spirit co mmunication with language and the process to
express real thinking with communicati on and conversation. The effective
premise between teacher and student is comprehensive, authenticity, sincerity
and exactness.
Network environment influences
everywhere in our living and studying that has widely applied in various fields
such as science, culture, agriculture, economic with high-speed development.
Therefore, the ideological and political education of undergraduate should be
searching the innovation through valued fresh fields. During the ceaseless
impression and development, research
effective method of ideological and political education is the most
important subject for the attention of
teachers in colleges and universities.
The ideological education and
political attitude needs new research on the fresh platform to get education
effect. Moreover, the ideological and political education should be
modernization, advance with the times with multiple views of elements.
Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen the undergraduate ideological and
political education based on network environment.
Ideological and political education
should be modernization, advancing with the times with some views of the
element that is by strengthening undergraduate education network environment
based on ideology and politics. It should be applied properly in the college or
Ideological and political education both steeper and university colleges will affect the ideology and way of interacting with a teacher graduate students while teaching. If the teacher has the knowledge and teaching skills coupled with the ability of the ideology and the good interaction it will be created modern students, high intellectual and has the ability to compete well in the field.
Ideological and political education both steeper and university colleges will affect the ideology and way of interacting with a teacher graduate students while teaching. If the teacher has the knowledge and teaching skills coupled with the ability of the ideology and the good interaction it will be created modern students, high intellectual and has the ability to compete well in the field.
The trick is to comprehensively
improve the level and quality of comprehensive theory of ideology, politics
undergraduate education, adopting methods for effectiveness and modernization
are the most important. So the ideological and political education of modern
adjusted with the times is very important sphere is taught in college.
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